modeling of virtual plant organ 植物器官三维建模
plant vegetation organ 植物营养瀑
plant reproductive organ 植物生殖瀑
plant-plant interaction 植物相互作用
animal pollinated plant zoophilous plant 动物传粉植物
Plant eater-plant system 食植系统
plant growth regulators from plant 植物源生长调节剂
Single plant trans plant ation 水稻单本植
vacuum drying plant and vacuum freeze drying plant 真空干燥设备和真空冷冻干燥设备
plant-to-plant competition 株间竞争
plant-to-plant variability 株间变异
disease of the child-organ affecting the mother-organ 子病犯母
disease of the mother-organ affecting the child-organ 母病及子
disorder of the child organ affecting the mother organ 子病及母
illness of the child organ may involve the mother organ 子盗母气
transforming from one medical organ to the other medical organ 转诊
Zang-organ and Fu-organ 脏腑
1 000 MW ultra-supercritical coal-fired power plant unit 超超临界1000MW火力发电机组
100 MW power plant 100MW电站